So I was wondering how I can code a button to open 2 url's. I have seen do it when clicking on the button "Get Deal". It opens a new tab with the their article inside their own website but on the original tab it's open a link to the deal site. eg. click on "Get Deal" here
So my code I have done is
<!-- Author -->
<span class="mix-author"></span>
<a attr="<?php echo $item->author_email; ?>" href="<?php echo $website_url; ?>" target="_blank" style="background-color: grey;padding: 5px 7px;border-bottom: 4px ;border-radius: 4px;float: right;color: white;" >GET DEAL</a>
<?php } ?>
The above code opens in a new tab. but I want it to open in the current tab while I want the code(link) below to open in the new tab without showing me the title when the above "GET DEAL" is clicked.
<?php if ($params->get('show_title')) { ?>
<!-- Title -->
<a href="<?php echo $item->link; ?>" class="mix-title"><?php echo $item->main_title; ?></a>
<?php } ?>
Please help me out.
I think you need to write a javascript function that does both and gets called on the button click:
function twoLinks(same_page_url, new_window_url)
window.location = same_page_url; // this will open in the current window; // this will open in a new window
and then call it like so from your link:
<a attr="<?php echo $item->author_email; ?>" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="twoLinks('<?php echo $website_url; ?>', '<?php echo $new_window_url; ?>');" style="background-color: grey;padding: 5px 7px;border-bottom: 4px ;border-radius: 4px;float: right;color: white;" >GET DEAL</a>
I borrowed from this answer for part of mine:
jQuery: go to URL with target="_blank"
Regarding your further comments, everything works for me as expected when I try your code. Inspect the html in the browser, and your GET DEAL
link should contain something like:
<a attr="" href="javascript:void(0);" onclick="twoLinks('', '');" style="background-color: grey;padding: 5px 7px;border-bottom: 4px ;border-radius: 4px;float: right;color: white;">GET DEAL</a>
I need to see error messages and/or the rendered html of your link to help you. I'm thinking either:
part like I have, and your link is trying a relative path that doesn't exist on your server