I am using num_list3.cpp from Boost Spirit examples. I am testing the variety of the double types it can parse. I used the following list:
I noticed that it fails on parsing the last number 1.3D+3
How could I set D
as an exponent prefix of a double?
You can easily do that with Boost.Spirit. You just need to instantiate a real_parser
with a custom policy that takes care of the "d|D" prefix. It could be as simple as:
template <typename Type>
struct fortran_policy : qi::real_policies<Type>
template <typename Iterator>
static bool parse_exp(Iterator& first, const Iterator& last)
if (first == last || (*first != 'e' && *first != 'E' && *first != 'd' && *first != 'D'))
return false;
return true;
Then you would simply need to use:
qi::real_parser<double,fortran_policy<double>> double_;
without needing to change anything else(although that semantic action seems rather unnecessary).