I'm trying to use nested switch statements to write a menu for the user do choose some option. The first switch works fine and the nested one doesn't.
In the nested switch I always end up in the default
option and the user can't choose.
It seems that variable d
stays NULL and that's what make the switch to end up in the default option. What is preventing from the user to be able to type a char, and from the code to assign value to d
/* function declaration */
int connection_func();
int main() {
/*make connection to sql server*/
int connection_return = connection_func();
char c,d;
printf("\n Choose one of the following options: \n");
printf("1- DB maintenance \n");
printf("2- Weekly schedule creation \n");
c= getchar();
switch(c) {
case '1':
// DB maintenance
printf("\n DB maintenance options:: \n");
printf("1- ADD data to existing table \n");
printf("2- DELETE data from existing table \n");
printf("3- DISPLAY all data inside a table \n");
printf("4- DROP table (root only) \n");
d = getchar();
switch(d) {
case 'A':
// User want to ADD data to the database
case 'B':
// User want to DELETE data from database
case 'C':
// User want to Display the tbl data
case 'D':
// User want to DROP tables
printf("That is not a proper selection \n");
case '2':
// Weekly schedule creation
printf("That is not a proper selection. \n");
int connection_func() {
MYSQL *conn;
char *server = "localhost";
char *user = "root";
char *password = "mypassword";
char *database = "sc" ;
conn = mysql_init(NULL);
/* Connect to database */
if ( !mysql_real_connect(conn, server, user, password, database, 0, NULL , 0)) {
fprintf(stderr, "%s\n", mysql_error(conn));
No errors in compiling. The output from the terminal:
root@kali:# ./sc
Choose one of the following options:
1- DB maintenance
2- Weekly schedule creation
(null) -d (**** - the value of d variable ***)
DB maintenance options::
1- ADD data to existing table
2- DELETE data from existing table
3- DISPLAY all data inside a table
4- DROP table (root only)
That is not a proper selection
After you insert '1' and clicked enter, the stdin stream has "1\n" in it, then getchar() is being called once, "1" has been removed from the stdin.
Then, the next call to getchar() doesn't prompt the user, since there is already data in the stdin stream - the newline character '\n'.
Try using
while((d = getchar()) != '\n' && d != EOF);
to spin out the useless data until the line break, usually it'll be just the '\n' char, so you can even use execute just one more call to getchar() to remove the newline from the stream.
Also, as mentioned in other comments, I'd consider fgets