Hey I need help splitting a string. The thing is i only need the words between the " - " . for example:
I need to store DEF in string1 and HIJ in string2
some other formats are
here too string1 = LMN
string2 = OPQ
I only need the words after and before the " - "
So basically you to first split by -
and then each side by a non-word character.
Therefore you can try:
String s = "ABC_DEF-HIJ (KL MNOP_QRS)";
String[] splits = s.split("-"); // {"ABC_DEF", "HIJ (KL MNOP_QRS)"}
String[] lefts = split[0].split("[^a-zA-Z]"); // {"ABC", "DEF"}
String[] rights = split[1].split("[^a-zA-Z]"); // {"HIJ", "", "KL", "MNOP", "QRS"}
String string1 = lefts[lefts.length - 1]; // "DEF""
String string2 = rights[0]; // "HIJ"