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In wicket is there a way to read localized properties directly?

Among others I have these two properties with differing values in all my localized .properties files:


When the user picks a country protected void onUpdate(AjaxRequestTarget target) is called and the following lines among others in that method work:

stateLabel.setDefaultModel(new StringResourceModel("StateLabel",target.getPage(),null));

That is to say that in US it says State, in Canada it says Province, in Japan it says Prefecture, etc. But the following line does not work:

showState       = Boolean.getBoolean(new StringResourceModel("StateShow",       target.getPage(),null).getString());

That is to say when the correct .properties file says StateShow=true showState is always false.

Is there anyway to accurately access localized properties that aren't being used as Models?


  • Your problem is probably not be related to Wicket but to your usage of Boolean.getBoolean(String) which tries to find a system property with the given name (check the javadoc).

    So I would assume that your StringResourceModel correctly returns the value "true". Then Boolean.getBoolean(String) tries to find a the system property named "true" which probably doesn't exist and thus returns false.

    You probably want to use Boolean.parseBoolean(String) instead.