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Dealing with TDD / Unit Testing fatigue

So I'm getting used to TDD, but I've come across an unexpected problem: I'm getting really tired of 100% code coverage. The tests are getting more tedious to write than the code itself, and I'm not sure if I'm doing it right. My question is: What sort of things are you supposed to test, and what sort of things are overkill?

For example, I have a test as follows, and I'm not sure if its useful at all. What am I supposed to do so that I still follow TDD but don't get tired of writing tests?

describe 'PluginClass'

    describe '.init(id, type, channels, version, additionalInfo, functionSource, isStub)'

        it 'should return a Plugin object with correct fields'

            // Create test sets
            var testSets = new TestSets()
            var pluginData = {
                'id'                : null,
                'type'              : null,
                'channels'          : null,
                'version'           : null,
                'additionalInfo'    : null,
                'functionSource'    : null,
                'isStub'            : true
            testSets.addSet({ 'pluginData' : pluginData })
            var pluginData = {
                'id'                : "testPlugin1",
                'type'              : "scanner",
                'channels'          : ['channelA', 'channelB'],
                'version'           : "1.0",
                'additionalInfo'    : {'test' : "testing"},
                'functionSource'    : "function () {alert('hi')}",
                'isStub'            : false
            testSets.addSet({ 'pluginData' : pluginData })

            for (var t = 0; t < testSets.getSets().length; t ++) {
                var aTestSet = testSets.getSet(t)

                var plugin = new Plugin().init(,
                                                aTestSet.pluginData.isStub  )

                plugin.getType().should.eql aTestSet.pluginData.type
                plugin.getChannels().should.eql aTestSet.pluginData.channels
                plugin.getVersion().should.eql aTestSet.pluginData.version
                plugin.getAdditionalInfo().should.eql aTestSet.pluginData.additionalInfo
                eval("fn = " + aTestSet.pluginData.functionSource)
                JSON.stringify(plugin.getFunction()).should.eql JSON.stringify(fn)
                plugin.getIsStub().should.eql aTestSet.pluginData.isStub





  • Certainly the above 'test' is overkill in many respects. It is much too long and complicated, hardly readable, and asserts way too much things. I can hardly imagine how this could have been emerged from a TDD process. It is not surprising that you get tired of stuff like this...

    Test-driven development means: You should go in baby steps, where every step is a separate test, asserts only one thing, and contains absolutely no logic (i.e. no for, if/else or similar...). So the above code would result in about 4-6 separate test methods, which you would then implement one by one. First assert correct property initalization (with different values as required), then make sure that the methods work as expected, and so on...

    The code coverage metric does not tell you anything about your tests except that it can show you the production code which is not touched by any tests at all. Especially it doesn't tell you if the touched code really is tested (and not only touched...). That depends only on the quality of your tests. So don't take code coverage too serious, there are many cases where a lower coverage with better tests is much more preferrable...

    In sum: It is not overkill to have tests for just about everything (100% coverage), but it certainly is a problem to have tests like in your example.

    I recommend you reviewing your TDD/unit testing practice, The Art Of Unit Testing book might be a good resource...
