I am getting a lot of errors when starting RAD7. The server doesn't respond to class changes. Sometimes the server won't start. Sometimes RAD will not acknowledge modules that I added to the server. It is kind of buggy.
I know there is metadata in the workspace, are there safe ways to clean the metadata or RAD in general?
Where RAD = Rational Application Developer
Another tip is to remove all projects in your Servers view in Eclipse, stop your server, start your server, open the admin console of your server and see that everything is gone in there as well. If you still see configured apps, remove them in the admin console. Shutdown server, start again and check for a clean startup. This ensures that your Eclipse server plugin and the server are in sync. Now you can add your projects to the server again; maybe this will improve the stability.
If not, a more drastic measure is to remove your server config in Eclipse (don't remove the server itself) and add it again in the Servers view.
You can also try to disable automatic publishing. You can go to Preferences->Server and uncheck the "Automatically publish..." If you are using WAS you additionally can double-click on your server in the Servers view, and go to the "Automatic Publishing" section and check "Never publish automatically". This might give you more control over when stuff gets published to your server, although it sometimes has a mind of its own and keeps publishing automatically in some cases.