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MVC RouteConfig custom maproute issue

I have this in my routeConfig:


                    name: "newProduct",

                    url: "{name}-{thisID}",

                    defaults: new


                        controller = "newProduct",

                        action = "Index",

                        name = UrlParameter.Optional

                     constraints: new { name = new MyProductConstraint() },
                    namespaces: new string[] { "khanoumiMetro.Controllers" }


and this is MyProductConstraint code :

  public class MyProductConstraint : IRouteConstraint
        private KhanoumiDbContext db = new KhanoumiDbContext();

        public bool Match(HttpContextBase httpContext, Route route, string parameterName, RouteValueDictionary values, RouteDirection routeDirection)

            if (values.ContainsKey(parameterName))
                string url = values["name"].ToString();

                using (KhanoumiDbContext db = new KhanoumiDbContext())

                    return db.tbl_Product.Any(c => c.url==url);

            return false;


it works, but if I add this :

int id = (int)values["thisID"];

and change this line :

return db.tbl_Product.Any(c => c.url==url);


return db.tbl_Product.Any(c => c.url==url && c.ID==id);

I give this error when application runs : Specified cast is not valid.

what happened here ?!


  • I have changed

    int id = (int)values["thisID"];


    int id = Convert.ToInt32(values["thisID"].ToString());

    and also routes.MapRouteLowercase to MapRoute and problem solved, I thing the issue goes to LowercaseRoutesMVC DLL and I have to report this to their developer.