How can I get the ng-model in ng-repeat with protractor ?
<div ng-repeat="field in master.linker | orderBy:''">
<p> {{ field.country_name }} </p>
<input ng-model="field.text">
I use this, but without success :
var result = element.all(by.repeater('field in master.linker').column('field.text'));
result.forEach(function(entry) {
I would like to compare :
result.forEach(function(entry) {
if (entry.country_name === 'en') {
expect(entry.text (from ng-repeat)).to.eventually.equal(value)
The .column()
would only work for binding
s, not the model
In your case, use the by.model()
var result = element.all(by.repeater('field in master.linker'));
result.each(function(entry) {
var input = entry.element(by.model("field.text"));
// do smth with the input
If you want to get the input values, use map()
var inputValues = {
return entry.element(by.model("field.text")).getAttribute("value");
// printing out input values
inputValues.then(function (values) {
Answering additional question from a comment:
I have an array, without other fields from my ng-repeat, how can I compare "if (field.country_name === ""en") { expect(field.text).to.eventually.equal(value)}" ?
Use filter()
var fields = element.all(by.repeater('field in master.linker'));
fields.filter(function (field) {
return field.element(by.binding("field.country_name")).getText().then(function (country) {
return country === "en";
}).then(function (filteredFields) {
var input = filteredFields[0].element(by.model("field.text"));