We are using the latest available version of the Facebook SDK for Unity (v7.2.2)
One of the available APIs is ActivateApp (FB.ActivateApp).
Should this method be called, specifically on iOS ?
Digging a bit into what's under the hood (the SDK is open source), I see that on iOS (in the file FBUnityInterface.mm), there's the following code:
- (void)didBecomeActive:(NSNotification *)notification
[FBSDKAppEvents activateApp];
It looks like ActivateApp is being called automatically (whether i manually call it or not).
Should we call FB.ActivateApp when our app starts / resumes? won't this cause duplicate app activation reports ?
Answering my own question:
On iOS, ActivateApp seems to be called automatically in iOS native code.
Invoking the FB.ActivateApp method does nothing (see this code from IOSFacebook.cs):
public override void ActivateApp(string appId)
The called method is simply empty:
private static void IOSFBSettingsActivateApp(string appId)
So, this seems to be taken care of automatically on iOS.