I recently stumbled upon http://mantl.io/ and https://mesosphere.com/infinity/. However, I am unsure about the advantages of each approach.
So far I know mantl integrates some components like ELK, calico, vault, traefik which are nice to have out of the box for a common application. Whereas infinity seems to be well suited for IOT /big-data analytics applications.
Can you help me to explain the difference / advantages of each approach.
A bit comparing apples and oranges. Infinity is what we call a DCOS stack, it's a combo of different services (in this case Kafka, Spark, C*, and Akka) for a specific domain, in this case IoT apps.
I wouldn't say that ELK is a unique thing to mantl, since it's also available on the DCOS and in fact I did install ES on DCOS myself a while ago, with little effort. The same is true for Vault, etc.
DCOS comes with a number of services, growing every week, ready to be used in different application areas: from pure stateless deployments (for example a Web server farm) to CI/CD envs to analytics (and IoT).