I am using this example Recorder.js Demo for recording audios. It's working fine in Linux, but when I use it on Windows. It gives the alert "Error getting audio", For this code is as below
function initAudio() {
//Some code
"audio": {
"mandatory": {
"googEchoCancellation": "false",
"googAutoGainControl": "false",
"googNoiseSuppression": "false",
"googHighpassFilter": "false"
"optional": []
}, gotStream, function(e) {
console.log("In gotStream function :" +e);
alert('Error getting audio');
Any thoughts on this?
I have resolved my problem. The problem is that Chrome has recently changed to require secure origins for all powerful APIs, in particular getUserMedia. I have to run this on https://host not on http://host, otherwise getUserMedia will be failed.