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OpenGL glMultiDrawElementsIndirect with Interleaved Buffers

Originally using glDrawElementsInstancedBaseVertex to draw the scene meshes. All the meshes vertex attributes are being interleaved in a single buffer object. In total there are only 30 unique meshes. So I've been calling draw 30 times with instance counts, etc. but now I want to batch the draw calls into one using glMultiDrawElementsIndirect. Since I have no experience with this command function, I've been reading articles here and there to understand the implementation with little success. (For testing purposes all meshes are instanced only once).

The command structure from the OpenGL reference page.

struct DrawElementsIndirectCommand
    GLuint vertexCount;
    GLuint instanceCount;
    GLuint firstVertex;
    GLuint baseVertex;
    GLuint baseInstance;

DrawElementsIndirectCommand commands[30];

// Populate commands.
for (size_t index { 0 }; index < 30; ++index)
    const Mesh* mesh{ m_meshes[index] };

    commands[index].vertexCount     = mesh->elementCount;
    commands[index].instanceCount   = 1; // Just testing with 1 instance, ATM.
    commands[index].firstVertex     = mesh->elementOffset();
    commands[index].baseVertex      = mesh->verticeIndex();
    commands[index].baseInstance    = 0; // Shouldn't impact testing?
// Create and populate the GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER buffer... bla bla

Then later down the line, after setup I do some drawing.

// Some prep before drawing like bind VAO, update buffers, etc.
// Draw?
if (RenderMode == MULTIDRAW)
    // Bind, Draw, Unbind
    glBindBuffer(GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER, m_indirectBuffer);
    glMultiDrawElementsIndirect (GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, nullptr, 30, 0);
    glBindBuffer(GL_DRAW_INDIRECT_BUFFER, 0);
    for (size_t index { 0 }; index < 30; ++index)
        const Mesh* mesh { m_meshes[index] };


Now the glDrawElements... still works fine like before when switched. But trying glMultiDraw... gives indistinguishable meshes but when I set the firstVertex to 0 for all commands, the meshes look almost correct (at least distinguishable) but still largely wrong in places?? I feel I'm missing something important about indirect multi-drawing?


  • //Indirect data
    commands[index].firstVertex     = mesh->elementOffset();
    //Direct draw call

    That's not how it works for indirect rendering. The firstVertex is not a byte offset; it's the first vertex index. So you have to divide the byte offset by the size of the index to compute firstVertex:

    commands[index].firstVertex     = mesh->elementOffset() / sizeof(GLuint);

    The result of that should be a whole number. If it wasn't, then you were doing unaligned reads, which probably hurt your performance. So fix that ;)