I am to new to code documentation and trying to document my angular application with grunt-ngdocs.
I cloned a working example from: https://github.com/m7r/grunt-ngdocs-example
The given example lacks a documented controller so I added my own documented controller with this code:
* @ngdoc controller
* @name rfx.controller:testCtrl
* @description
* Description of controller.
.controller('testCtrl', function() {
When I am trying to build a documentation by running grunt from the command line I get the following error message:
Warning: Don't know how to format @ngdoc: controller Use --force to continue.
How do I fix this? I read this guide http://www.shristitechlabs.com/adding-automatic-documentation-for-angularjs-apps/ and I can't figure out why do I keep getting error message if I try to document a controller :( Thanks for any help!
It appears that the example repo has an out-of-date version of grunt-ngdocs
listed as a dependency. @ngdoc controller
is supported as of 0.2.2, while grunt-ngdocs-example
lists ~0.1.1. Use the latest grunt-ngdocs
and you should be good to go.
It's worth mentioning that the "official" tool for generating Angular documentation is dgeni + dgeni-packages. It is used by Angular 1.x to generate its own documentation. Very flexible and extensible, although the setup can take some time.
Edit I've forked grunt-ngdocs-example
here, upgraded the grunt-ngdocs
version and added a controller example.