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Nifty - Form Components - Time

I am trying to implentment nifty timepicker, Ive got the pop-up bit working however it doesn't seem to be binding that to my inputbox.

  1. Here is it working online:
  2. Looking within Developer tools I managed to grab the code and where the files are stored: (I grabbed the css/js files, these are stored locally on my machine.

Here is my code, it is a custom element in


import {customElement, bindable, inject, bindingMode} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {activationStrategy} from 'aurelia-router';

@bindable({name: 'value', attribute: 'value', defaultValue: '', defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.twoWay})
export class Time {
    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element;

    valueChanged() {
        var currentvalue = $('', this.element).val();

        if (currentvalue !== this.value) {
            $('', this.element).timepicker('update', this.value);

        alert("currentvalue " + currentvalue);
        alert("selected " + this.value);

        var options = {
            minuteStep: 5,
            showInputs: false,
            disableFocus: true

        $('', this.element).timepicker(options).timepicker('update', this.value);

        $('', this.element).on('changeTime', (event) => {           
            this.value = $('', this.element).timepicker('getTime');


    <div class="input-group date">
        <input type="text" class="form-control" disabled.bind="readonly"/>
        <span class="input-group-addon"><i class="fa fa-clock-o fa-lg"></i></span>

Where its referenced:

<time value.bind="baseContent.ValidToTime" />

The pop-up as I said does work, just not the binding, I think its going to be something stupid but I cant see it myself.

enter image description here

UPDATE - Altered a couple of things, its slowly getting there, seems a bit buggy from my end

  1. Updates textbox, but doesn't pass updated value back up to basecontent (where its called from) - using bindingMode.twoway
  2. When I update the textbox rather than use the widget I have to click off to get it to update the widget. 14:35 = should be being updated at the same time.

enter image description here


import {customElement, bindable, inject, bindingMode} from 'aurelia-framework';
import {activationStrategy} from 'aurelia-router';

@bindable({name: 'value', attribute: 'value', defaultValue: '', defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.twoWay})
@bindable({name: 'readonly', attribute: 'disabled', defaultValue: false, defaultBindingMode: bindingMode.oneWay})
export class Time {
    constructor(element) {
        this.element = element;

    valueChanged() {
        var currentvalue = $('.timepicker', this.element).val();

        if (currentvalue !== this.selected) {
            $('.timepicker', this.element).timepicker('setTime', this.value);

    bind() {
        var options = {
            defaultTime: 'value',
            minuteStep: 1,
            disableFocus: true,
            maxHours: 24,
            showMeridian: false

        $('.timepicker', this.element).timepicker(options).timepicker('setTime', this.value);

            $('.timepicker', this.element).attr('readonly', 'readonly');

        $('.timepicker', this.element).timepicker().on('changeTime.timepicker', function() {
            this.value = $('.timepicker', this.element).data("timepicker").getTime();


  • Well, Clare, you've got an issue with this.

    $('.timepicker', this.element)
        .on('changeTime.timepicker', function() {
             this.value = $('.timepicker', this.element).data("timepicker").getTime();
        //   ^^^^ Ouch, wrong context.   

    You should use an arrow function there

    $('.timepicker', this.element)
        .on('changeTime.timepicker', () => {
             this.value = $('.timepicker', this.element).data("timepicker").getTime();

    Or do it old-school, though you need not with var self = this; and so on.

    BTW you can also take the value out of the event parameter.

         .on('changeTime.timepicker', (e) => {
            let update = {hour: e.time.hours,minute: e.time.minutes, second: e.time.seconds};
            this.value = moment(that.value).utcOffset(0).set(update).utc();