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lightgallery does not work with dynamically generated elements

I have implement lighgallery plugin to my local site... and this is not working with dom elements ...

for example

1.) append dom element created with js to html code..

if i create something like this in js "<span id='imgcon'><a href="image"><img src="image"></a></span>" and this all code is in a varialbe lets call galleryview (var galleryview) and this variable i append to a div that is in html file <html><head></head><bdy><div class="container"></div></bdy></html> and append like this from js file code $(".container").append(galleryview); and in end i use this $(".imgcon").lightGallery(); does not work...

Here is jsfiddle demo not working with dom

2.) images are in html code

i have html code smthing like this <html><head></head><bdy><div class="container"><span class="imgcont"><a href="image"><img src="image"></a></span></bdy></html> This works fine as it.$(".imgcon").lightGallery();

Here is jsfiddle working demo without dom.

Question : why i cannot use dom with lightgallery ?

First demo is not working becasue i use js dom and second demo is working because i use html code in html file.. or there any problem with my code..


  • Simply put your $(".imagecontiner").lightGallery(); inside the click handler

    The above will work only for the first dynamically created gellery.
    To make it work for multiple elements: pre-create in-memory appendable elements and assign to each the .lightGallery() instance

    $(document).ready(function() {
        var imagesarray = [
        var hiddenimages = "",
        $("#appendnewcontainer").click(function() {
            $("<span />", {
                class : "container",
                appendTo : $("#fotoappendarea"),
                append : $("<span />", {
                    class : "imagecontiner",
                    html : "<a class='dfed' href=" + imagesarray[1] + "><img src='" + imagesarray[1] + "' class='_34'/></a>"