I am creating a package com.XXXX
Inside that I am declaring many classes in a java file (default - not public)
let is be like:
class A{}
class B{}
class C{}
I am importing com.XXXX in another file
I am unable to use these classes that are inside the package, as they are not public.
So I am pushing to a state of creating individual files for each classes.
Every class is just a small structure, where it doesn't have any extra function. So I thought of keeping them in single file. So I can't declare classes as public
Is there any way to use all classes without splitting them into separate files?
If (somehow) it makes sense to group these classes together, then you could put them inside a wrapper class as static inner classes, for example:
package com.somewhere;
public class Utils {
public static class DateUtils {
public static Date today() {
return new Date();
public static class FilenameUtils {
public static String stripExtension(String path) {
return path.substring(0, path.lastIndexOf("."));
Then, you will be able to import these elsewhere:
package com.elsewhere;
import com.somewhere.Utils;
public class Task {
Date today = Utils.DateUtils.today();