In my document, there are two svg images: the preview and the result. The result image is computed based on the preview image; I switch between them by adding/removing class hidden-display
, which is further affected by css like this:
.hidden-display {
display: none;
This seems to be working well.
While the result image is being computed, I want to hide the preview image and show only a progress bar; once the result image is loaded, I want it to be displayed and hide the progress bar. Here's the code that works; see especially the two occurrences of function showResult()
function resultImageLoaded(event) {
console.log("Inside add event listener function");
resultImage.removeEventListener("load", resultImageLoaded, false);
//showResult(); // Doesn't work if uncommented
console.log("End event listener");
function submitChanges() {
var inputData = getInputString();
var uri = "./ResultImage.cshtml?inputData=" + encodeURIComponent(inputData); = uri;
resultImage.addEventListener("load", resultImageLoaded, false);
showResult(); // Doesn't work if commented out
Problem: While the code above works, it doesn't do exactly what I wanted: it hides the preview, shows the result and only then the event listener function is called, which hides the progress bar.
If I comment out showResult()
in the function submitChanges()
and uncomment it in the event listener function instead, the listener function resultImageLoaded(event)
is never called - probably meaning the result image is never loaded. This leads me to suspicion that invisible elements don't trigger the "load" event listeners, but that seems strange.
I tested this in two browsers - Internet Explorer 11 and Opera 33.0. In IE, everything works as expected and the event listener is called, but in Opera I encountered the problem described above.
Any help would be most appreciated.
Per our discussion, visibility:hidden
is solving the event issue.
Following is a example addressing your second problem, UI spacing.
function registerEvent() {
document.getElementById("test").addEventListener("click", function() {
function addClass(str) {
document.getElementById("test").className = str;
div {
height: 100px;
width: 100px;
border: 2px solid gray;
float: left;
margin: 10px;
padding: 10px;
.display {
display: none
.hidden {
visibility: hidden
.invisible {
visibility: hidden;
height: 0px;
width: 0px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
.show {
visibility: visible;
display: block;
<div id="test">0</div>
<div id="test1">1</div>
<button onclick="addClass('display')">Display</button>
<button onclick="addClass('hidden')">Hidden</button>
<button onclick="addClass('invisible')">Invisible</button>
<button onclick="addClass('show')">Show</button>
Hope it helps!