Okay I'm entirely stuck here and I do apologise if this inconviences you guys in any way but I need your help.
I'm currently learning C by myself and slowly getting there, started yesterday. So I thought I would give myself a task on having the user input 3 numbers and the program would have to find the average number between those three.
Here is my code:
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int firstnum, secnum, thirnum, finalnum;
printf("Enter the first number \n");
printf("Enter the second number \n");
printf("Enter the third number \n");
finalnum = (firstnum +secnum+thirnum)/3;
printf("The average value is: " finalnum);
return finalnum;
Reading integers or floats: Correct format specifier
For integers you'll need %d
and for doubles %lf
. Read more about those elsewhere.
Printing integers or floats
printf("The average value is: %d", finalnum);
Avoid integer division: casting or all floats
See http://mathworld.wolfram.com/IntegerDivision.html
double finalnum = (firstnum +secnum+thirnum)/3.0;
Or use floats for all types.
double firstnum, secnum, thirnum, finalnum;
Return 0 for success in main
return 0;