Search code examples

Adding innerHTML in for loop in order to generate a list

I working on a script to display a company's status updates via the LinkedIn api. The script works as such, but I can't make my generated list item appear inside <ul></ul> tags. Right now my code is this:

<script type="text/javascript" src="">
  api_key: my_client_id
  onLoad: onLinkedInLoad
  authorize: true 
<script type="text/javascript">
function onLinkedInLoad() {
  IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", onLinkedInAuth);

function onLinkedInAuth() {
  var cpnyID = 2414183; //LinkedIn's testDevCo
  IN.API.Raw("/companies/" + cpnyID + "/updates?event-type=status-update&start=0&count=20&format=json")

function displayCompanyUpdates(result) {
  var div = document.getElementById("displayUpdates");

  div.innerHTML = "<ul>";

  var resValues = result.values;
  for (var i in resValues) {

    var share = resValues[i].updateContent.companyStatusUpdate.share;
    var content = share.content;
    var isTitled = content,
      isLinked = content,
      isDescription = content,
      isThumbnail = content;

    if (isTitled) {
      var title = share.content.title;
    } else {
      var title = "Custom title";

    if (isLinked) {
      var link = share.content.shortenedUrl;
    } else {
      var link = "#";

    if (isDescription) {
      var description = isDescription.description;
    } else {
      var description = "No description";

    if (isThumbnail) {
      var thumbnailUrl = share.content.thumbnailUrl;
    } else {
      var thumbnailUrl = "";

    if (share) {
      var content = "<a target='_blank' href=" + link + ">" + title + "</a><br>" + description;
      div.innerHTML += "<li><img src='" + thumbnailUrl + "' alt=''>" + content + "</li>";

  div.innerHTML += "</ul>";

And it generates this html:

<div id="displayUpdates">

What do I need to change in order to get the list items inside the ul? Could this be done more easily with jQuery?


  • I would say that is a correct result as you are using innerHTML to replace the existing content, although you are appending to it with += but when you do this div.innerHTML = "<ul>"; browser sees that there is a opened ul and when it doesn't find it's descendants it automatically closes it.

    You should use innerHTML only when the loop stops:

    function displayCompanyUpdates(result) {
      var div = document.getElementById("displayUpdates");
      var el = "<ul>"; // <----open a ul here
      var resValues = result.values;
      for (var i in resValues) {
        var share = resValues[i].updateContent.companyStatusUpdate.share;
        var content = share.content;
        var isTitled = content,
          isLinked = content,
          isDescription = content,
          isThumbnail = content;
        if (isTitled) {
          var title = share.content.title;
        } else {
          var title = "Custom title";
        if (isLinked) {
          var link = share.content.shortenedUrl;
        } else {
          var link = "#";
        if (isDescription) {
          var description = isDescription.description;
        } else {
          var description = "No description";
        if (isThumbnail) {
          var thumbnailUrl = share.content.thumbnailUrl;
        } else {
          var thumbnailUrl = "";
        if (share) {
          var content = "<a target='_blank' href=" + link + ">" + title + "</a><br>" + description;
         el += "<li><img src='" + thumbnailUrl + "' alt=''>" + content + "</li>"; // add list items
      el += "</ul>"; /// <------close the ul here
      div.innerHTML = el; // <------here