I develop simple c++ class to testing when c++ objects destroy; now I have a problem, when an object return by function, c++ create a new object and return that and when return reference destroy object what is my mistake ?
simple class attached below.
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
static int freeCounter=0;
class TestCopy {
string pStr;
TestCopy(const TestCopy &obj){
TestCopy(string &test){
~TestCopy(){ freeCounter++; cout << freeCounter <<"\t" << pStr << endl; }
TestCopy get(){
TestCopy x=*this;
return TestCopy(x); // -> TestCopy(x) is first destroy in result
string getStr(){
return pStr;
int main(){
string xstr="test";
TestCopy x(xstr); // x is third destroy
TestCopy x2=x.get(); // x2 is second destroy
cout << x.getStr() << endl;
return 0;
and result
1 test
2 test
3 test
thank you @seaman with your help I found my mistake. by changing
TestCopy x=*this;
const TestCopy &x=*this;
problem solved