I'm figuring out the way to move the text inside a 'thumbnail' relative to its height, which is changing according to media width. For TweenMax, it seems like I could not put anything other than numbers and some signs inside quotes. Is it possible to do that with GSAP or simply jQuery?
the HTML is as following:
<div class=' blog col-sm-4 col-xs-12'>
<div class='thumbnail '>
<img src='https://scontent-tpe1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/t31.0-8/10285836_982461275099969_2229614909304204709_o.jpg' />
<--! the other two similar div !-->
and the TweenMax is here, figured it might be a way out to calculate the height of '.thumbnail', but doesn't work anyway:
var height = $('.thumbnail').height()/1.5;
TweenMax.to($(this).children('h2'), 1.5,{y:'-=height'});
Since height
is variable which holds value
you shouldn't wrap it inside ' '
. Below changes will get what you need..
TweenMax.to($(this).children('h2'), 1.5,{y:'-='+height});