I am trying to modify the VCD I created dynamically from the app. I refered to various articles/documentations. I have the following code:
Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommnadDefinition.VoiceCommandSet commandSetEnUs;
if (Windows.ApplicationModel.VoiceCommands.VoiceCommandDefinitionManager.
"AdventureWorksCommandSet_en-us", out commandSetEnUs))
await commandSetEnUs.SetPhraseListAsync(
"destination", new string[] {“London”, “Dallas”, “New York”, “Phoenix”});
I used it in my application and it states there is no class named VoiceComands under ApplicationModel.
I thought it might be for windows 10, so I dug deeper and came up with a VoiceCommandManager
class which also doesn't have the enumerations I need. Can anyone help me to dynamically modify my Windows Phone 8.1(RunTime) VCD. Thanks in advance.
Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.VoiceCommandSet commandSetEnUs;
if (Windows.Media.SpeechRecognition.VoiceCommandManager.InstalledCommandSets.TryGetValue("AdventureWorksCommandSet_en-us", out commandSetEnUs))
await commandSetEnUs.SetPhraseListAsync(
"destination", new string[] { "London", "Dallas", "New York", "Phoenix" });