I'm currently working on a simple I/O console application compiled from nasm, but even though it compiles and links, it crashes when I run it. Here's the code:
NULL equ 0
global start
extern ExitProcess, GetStdHandle, WriteConsoleA, ReadConsoleInputA
section .data
msg db "Hello World!", 13, 10, 0
msg.len equ $ - msg
consoleInHandle dd 1
section .bss
buffer resd 2
buffer2 resb 32
section .text
call GetStdHandle
push NULL
push buffer
push msg.len
push msg
push eax
call WriteConsoleA
call GetStdHandle
mov [consoleInHandle],eax
push NULL
push 1
push buffer2
push dword [consoleInHandle]
call ReadConsoleInputA
push NULL
call ExitProcess
Any clues? I'm running a 64 bit windows 10 machine by the way and I'm using Nasm for compilation and GoLink for linking
I'm assuming that you are targeting 32-bit Windows executables. You call ReadConsoleInputA
, although it may be simpler to call ReadConsoleA
if you are just interested in the characters entered from the keyboard. The title for your question says ReadConsole Input
(a space between the two that puzzled me). Your code was:
call GetStdHandle
mov [consoleInHandle],eax
push NULL
push 1
push buffer2
push dword [consoleInHandle]
call ReadConsoleInputA
ReadConsoleA is similar in nature but handles just keyboard data. The code could look like this:
call GetStdHandle
mov [consoleInHandle],eax
push NULL
push buffer ; Pointer to a DWORD for number of characters read to be returned
push 1
push buffer2
push dword [consoleInHandle]
call ReadConsoleA
Although ReadConsoleInputA
reads character data from the console, it handles a multitude of other events (including mouse, menu, focus, and keyboard) that you have to properly process (or ignore).
I'm assuming it is being built with commands to generate 32-bit executables like this:
nasm -f win32 test.asm -o test.obj
GoLink.exe /console test.obj kernel32.dll
If you want to target 64-bit executables, then all of your code will have to change since the 64-bit calling convention passes many parameters in registers instead of on the stack.