I am not sure how to reference @index (from a #each helper) inside a mustache/handlebars partial parameter map. E.g.
{{#each this.things}}
<p>Thing {{@index}}</p>
{{> mypartial id='thing{@index}' }}
<p>Thing 0</p> <!-- correct -->
<div id="thing{@index}">/div> <!-- incorrect -->
One option is to change my partial to reference @index within it, but I would like to keep the use of the id partial parameter.
The correct approach to this is to use a concat helper.
{{> mypartial id=(concat 'thing' @index) }}
Here is the code snippet for my handlebars.java concat helper:
public class ConcatHelper implements Helper<Object> {
public CharSequence apply(Object context, Options options) {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
for (Object param : options.params) {
return sb.toString();
<p>Thing 0</p>
<div id="thing0">/div>