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Scala: get child nodes count in XML

I've XML in the format

val XML = 

I want to get the count for the children under <c> I tried (XML \\ "c").length

But this gives the count for all <c> tags. I can't access descendant as (XML \\ "c") returns NodeSeq

Trying (XML \\ "c" \\ "_").length gives total length of all records. Not sure how I can access the child nodes. Any ideas?

EDIT: (XML \\ "c" \ "_").length / (XML \\ "c").length this gives correct count of fields under <c>. But, I feel it a bit clumsy. A nicer solution is needed.


  • (XML \\ "c" \ "_").length gives 9 (Count of all "c" children)

    ((XML \ "c")(0) \ "_").length gives 3 (Count of first "c" children)