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how to define secondary- & accent-color in ember-cli-materialize?

i use ember 2.2 and the ember-cli-materialize component. My problem is, that in app/styles/app.scss i can define the $primary-color, but all other values are ignored (like $accent-color or $secondary-text-color).

here is my app.scss:

@import 'components/color';

$primary-color-dark:   #212121;
$primary-color:        #212121; // only this line works
$primary-color-light:  #212121;
$accent-color:         #ff6f00;
$primary-text-color:   #ff6f00;
$secondary-text-color: #ff6f00;
$divider-color:        #B6B6B6;

@import 'components/variables';
@import 'materialize';
@import 'ember-cli-materialize';


  • The order you have things in your SASS file is correct. You can find a list of variables that are over-writable if you navigate to:
