I want to do is to clone a row in a table. Here the code:
function addRow(){
var x=document.getElementById("insertar").tBodies[0]; //get the table
var node=x.rows[1].cloneNode(true); //clone the previous node or row
x.appendChild(node); //add the node or row to the table
I just do not want to clone this section which, because when I add data to the first row, when you clone, data are also cloned. I pated the HTML code:
<table id='insertar'>
$numeroItems = 1;
$prod = array();
$param = array('TIPOP'=> 'Productos');
}catch(Exception $e){
echo $e->getMessage();
echo "
<select id='p' name='producto[]' onChange='document.getElementById(\"stock\").value = setStock()' >";
echo "<option value='' >---------</option>";
for($j = 0;$j < (count($ready->PRODUCTOS)); $j++){
echo "<option value=".trim($ready->PRODUCTOS[$j]->CODIGOP)." >".trim($ready->PRODUCTOS[$j]->CODIGOP)."</option>";
echo "
</select><br />
<td><input type='text' id='stock' value='' name='stock[]' readonly></input></td>
<td><input type='text' name='cantidad[]' required></input></td></tr>";
<a href="#" onclick="addRow()" >Agregar otro</a>
Now I want to change attributes td so that they are unique, how would you? Example of clones:
<tr><td>.....</td><td id="stock1" ...></td></tr>
<tr><td>.....</td><td id="stock2" ...></td></tr>
<tr><td>.....</td><td id="stock3" ...></td></tr>
You should clone your default node right before it gets modified. Then reclone default
as needed in your addRow
var _default;
window.onload = function(){
_default = document.getElementById('defaultNode').cloneNode(true);
like so:
function addRow(){
var x=document.getElementById("insertar").tBodies[0]; //get the table
x.appendChild(_default); //add the node or row to the table
Your proposed working solution:
var _default;
window.onload = function() {
var x = document.getElementById("insertar").tBodies[0];
_default = x.rows[1].cloneNode(true);
var counter = 1;
function addRow(){
var _cloned_default = _default.cloneNode(true);
_cloned_default.id = "stock" + counter;
x.appendChild(_cloned_default); //add the node or row to the table
Simply get the td element in your cloned element:
Array.prototype.slice.call(_cloned_node.childNodes, 0).forEach(function(value){
//making sure it's a node and nothing else
if(value.nodeType === 1){
//change id here
value.id = counter;