I'm currently using this clickable map (Wolf's map) but I would like to use a second li list of countries in addition of the one that serves as a foundation for the script. The second menu cannot be in the same DIV as the map for presentation reasons. I've been searching through the JQuery documentation to understand how I can trigger an action on another element than the one selected but I'm not sure I've got it right - probably not as it is not working.
The original script looks like this :
var new_map='<span class="map"><span class="s1" /><span class="s2" /><span class="s3" /><span class="s4" /><span class="s5" /><span class="s6" /><span class="s7" /><span class="s8" /><span class="s9" /><span class="s10" /><span class="s11" /><span class="s12" /><span class="s13" /><span class="s14" /><span class="s15" /><span class="s16" /><span class="s17" /><span class="s18" /></span>';
var new_bg=$("<span>");
$("#europe li a").append(new_map);
$("#europe li a").append(new_bg);
What I would like to do is to trigger the same action when hovering another element that is not #europe li a. I have tried this :
var new_map='<span class="map"><span class="s1" /><span class="s2" /><span class="s3" /><span class="s4" /><span class="s5" /><span class="s6" /><span class="s7" /><span class="s8" /><span class="s9" /><span class="s10" /><span class="s11" /><span class="s12" /><span class="s13" /><span class="s14" /><span class="s15" /><span class="s16" /><span class="s17" /><span class="s18" /></span>';
var new_bg=$("<span>");
$("#carteeurope li a").append(new_map);
$("#carteeurope li a").append(new_bg);
$("#menudroite li a").hover(function(){
$(new_map).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");
$(new_bg).appendTo("#carteeurope li a");
It makes something but not the desired effect : it looks like the map can move indeed but not to the good positions (some countries get a white background after several hovers on the second menu).
I would be very grateful if you could help me !
PS : some relevant HTML and CSS parts.
The original list
<div id="b">
<ul id="europe" class="bottom five_columns">
<li id="europe1"><a href="#" title="Albania">Albania</a></li>
<li id="europe2"><a href="#" title="Andorra">Andorra</a></li>
<li id="europe3"><a href="#" title="Austria">Austria</a></li>
The menu I would like to add
<div id="menudroite">
<li><a href="#">Accueil</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="France">France</a></li>
<li><a href="#" title="Grèce">Grèce</a></li>
The original CSS
#europe,#europe span.bg{background:transparent url('europe-600px.png') no-repeat -9999px 0}
#europe{position:relative;top:0;left:0;display:block;background-position:0 -966px;list-style:none}
#europe *{padding:0;margin:0;border:0 none;outline:0 none}
#europe li{cursor:pointer}
#europe li span{position:absolute;display:block;width:0;height:0;z-index:15}
#europe li a span.bg{z-index:3}
#europe li .map{top:0;left:0}
#europe li span{position:absolute;display:block;top:0;left:0;width:0;height:0;z-index:15}
#europe1 a:hover .bg{top:395px;left:303px;width:20px;height:40px;background-position:-10px -10px} #europe1 .s1{top:401px;left:303px;width:15px;height:32px} #europe1 .s2{top:397px;left:305px;width:8px;height:4px} #europe1 .s3{top:418px;left:318px;width:4px;height:9px}
#europe2 a:hover .bg{top:385px;left:133px;width:5px;height:6px;background-position:-35px -10px} #europe2 .s1{top:383px;left:131px;width:9px;height:10px}
Problem solved with this function :
$("#menudroite li.menudroitepays a").hover(
var country=$(this).attr("id");
$("#europe" + country + " a").addClass("active");
var country=$(this).attr("id");
$("#europe" + country + " a").removeClass("active");