I'd like to create a java library that wrapps the apache cordova CLI, but unfortunately I got stuck in some Java CMD problems and I'm not quite sure where to go next.
I am able to setup everything and create the project by calling
cordova create /my/project/path/ my-project-name
This automatically creates the basic roundup, which is already a nice thing.
Unfortunatly I'm not able to continue adding platforms to the project. When calling
"cd " + path.toString(), "cordova platform add " + os
as an array of Strings, the process continues with returncode 1, but nothing is being added and it doesn't depend on the os variable in the code, because I call this once with android and ios.
I've tried the code in Terminal and bash on my Mac and it works and correctly adds the platforms.
Any suggestions?
The answere is fairly simple:
" cd " + path.toString() + " && cordova platform add " + os
If forgot to add an empty char before the cd-cmd and put everything in one line.