Suppose I have some uploading form for files like the one in documentation
If I saved file file.txt
to the blobstore, how can I get it from it if I dont know it's BlobKey
. More precisely, I want to get this file with a request like this:
and I just want to see file file.txt
on this url.
If you use Blobstore, you have to remember a key somewhere in order to retrieve the blob.
If you use Blobstore to store files in Cloud Storage, then you can access them using an object name,which can be an original name of an uploaded file.
If your file is public, you can access it directly:" + bucket + "/" + objectName
If you want to read it first in your app, and then return to a client, then you can use:
String filename = "/gs/" + bucket + "/" + objectName;
BlobstoreService blobService = BlobstoreServiceFactory.getBlobstoreService();
blobService.serve(blobService.createGsBlobKey(filename), response);