I have a line of text wrapped in a div that I want to be hidden initially and then revealed after 5 seconds from page load. I have a couple other functions that I don't want it to interfere with here.
<script type="text/javascript">
function sleep() {
setTimeout("countdown()", 5000);
var ss = 6;
function countdown() {
ss = ss-1;
if (ss<0) {
else {
window.setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);
<body onload="sleep()">Your transaction was successful.
<div id="div1"><p><em>You will be redirected to the homepage in <span id="countdown">5</span> second(s).</em></p></div>
Sorry if I was unclear with what I needed. I found the solution here. It may not be good practice for coding given the many functions, I'm pretty new at this, but it works for my purposes. I will post it here for others:
<body onload="sleep()">
<p align="center">Your transaction was successful. Thank you for your donation to...</p>
<div align="center" id="redirect" style="visibility: hidden">
<h4>You will be redirected to the homepage in <span id="countdown">5</span> second(s)...</h4>
<script type="text/javascript">
function showRedirect() {
document.getElementById("redirect").style.visibility = "visible";
setTimeout("showRedirect()", 2500);
function sleep() {
setTimeout("countdown()", 2000);
var ss = 6;
function countdown() {
ss = ss-1;
if (ss<0) {
else {
window.setTimeout("countdown()", 1000);