I really miss toolbar from Visual Studio in XS, and I would like to customize it -- adding "save"/"save all" buttons for sure, but also removing completely useless (for me) ones as well.
Can I customize XS toolbar? If yes, how?
XS at this moment doesn't have ability to add commands to toolbar(tbh shouldn't be hard to implement).
But it's very easy to add it if you create AddIn: Just add this to AddIn manifest.addin.xml:
<Extension path = "/MonoDevelop/Ide/CommandBar">
<ItemSet id = "MyCommandsBar">
<CommandItem id = "MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands.FileCommands.Save" />
<CommandItem id = "MonoDevelop.Ide.Commands.FileCommands.SaveAll" />
And call:
IdeApp.Workbench.ShowCommandBar ("MyCommandsBar");
Update: To address your question in comment.
Unfortunately you will have to create actual AddIn(Plugin), to do this you will have to install "AddInMaker addin" from online AddIn Gallery.
Then create new AddIn project and add this logic. You can't just change some config files to do this.
I created GitHub repository with this sample, see this commit to see changes needed: https://github.com/DavidKarlas/SaveButtonsAddIn/commit/7cff0bd9eadfa5c02f5a7d21c5b139e13e50d860
Notice that I also added StartupHandler that is executed when Xamarin Studio is started.