I am designing my first game and I am trying to create a time variable with a 5 sec step (like 5 times slower than real time).
This is the where I have the GUI (pasting only relevant parts):
using UnityEngine;
using Assets.Code.Interfaces;
using Assets.Code.Scripts;
using Assets.Code.PowerPlants;
namespace Assets.Code.States
Debug.Log (TimeManager.gametime);
public void ShowIt()
GUI.Box (new Rect (Screen.width - 650, 10, 100, 25), TimeManager.gametime.ToString() ); // GAME TIME HOURS
This is where my game time is calculated:
using System;
using UnityEngine;
namespace Assets.Code.Scripts
public class TimeManager
public static int gametime;
public TimeManager ()
gametime = (int)Time.timeSinceLevelLoad / 5;
I get no errors, but the value of gametime is always 0. This worked before but is not working anymore and I have no idea why. Any hints?
namespace Assets.Code.Scripts
public class TimeManager
public static int gametime
get { return (int)Time.timeSinceLevelLoad / 5; }
The ctor is not useful in your case, just add a property that returns the value you need.