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Spring MVC test - Injecting a mock repository when ever the integration test requires a specific type

I have written a web application using spring mvc 3. It provides a single endpoint that returns JSON. I did having it running successfully using url paramters but now I need to change this to use path variables instead.

I changed my controller


public class DataController {

    private IDataService dateService;

            value = "/some/data",
            method = RequestMethod.GET,
            produces = "application/json"
    public @ResponseBody Data getDataByCode(@RequestParam String code) {
        return versionService.getDataByCode(code);


public class DataController {

    private IDataService dateService;

            value = "/some/data/{code}",
            method = RequestMethod.GET,
            produces = "application/json"
    public @ResponseBody Data getDataByCode(@PathVariable String code) {
        return versionService.getDataByCode(code);

and my web xml to map the url...







But I get a 404 for the http request: http://localhost/some/data/1234 Where I know that 1234 exists.

To top it off, the request never even gets to the controller method, so its got to be the web xml url pattern configuration.

As a test I tried changing the url pattern to exactly match a request with a code and it returned JSON as expected, so I know its the url pattern. I just dont know how to fix it.

I have tried:

  1. /
  2. /*
  3. /some/data*
  4. /some/data/*


  • Your url-pattern should be:


    In the second hand, can you try to access http://localhost/some/data/myTest and put a System.out.println in your getDataByCode method to see if the method is called.

    If it works I think the problem come from Spring MVC which interprate "1234" as an integer and not a String.