I am reading a spreadsheet using sheetsee.js (and tabletop.js) and trying to create a zoomable sunburst with labels visualization. However, it is only creating one level and the text is rotated either +90 or -90. The URL to my html page is http://www.wyzpubs.com/dataviz/sheetsee/dita_users_sb.html
Can someone tell me what could be causing this? I think the way I am creating the JSON with size information is OK and it is exactly like in metmajer's zoomable sunburst with labels.
Thanks, Jayaram
The bug is here in sheetsee.sunburst.js
var partition = d3.layout.partition()
.value(function(d) { return d.size; });
Your data has nothing like size(in the json) thus everything gets collapsed.
It should have been some value to decide the arc length size I did something like this(but you can change it to some biz logic of yours):
var partition = d3.layout.partition()
.value(function(d) { return d.parent.children.length; });
Working code here
Hope this helps!