I'm a newbie to Blackberry 10 development and the whole qt signal-slot mechanism. I am trying to register a signal and slot for when a user clicks on a different tab in my Blackberry 10 native application. I have the following code for my UI:
TabbedPane {
id: mainTabbedPane
showTabsOnActionBar: true
peekEnabled: true
sidebarState: SidebarState.VisibleFull
Tab {
} //End of first tab
Tab {
} //End of second tab
AbstractPane *appPane = qmlDocument->createRootObject<AbstractPane>();
if (appPane) {
// Set the main application scene to NavigationPane.
TabbedPane* tabbedPane = appPane->findChild<TabbedPane*>("mainTabbedPane");
qDebug("Pane: %p", tabbedPane);
QObject::connect(tabbedPane, SIGNAL(activeTabChanged(bb::cascades::Tab*)), SLOT(sectionTriggered(bb::cascades::Tab*)));
My issue is that it seems the TabbedPane is not being found despite being in the UI. What I'm I doing wrong? Also, I'm I implementing the signal-slot correctly?
Thank you in advance.
You could also use onTriggered in QML, so you can get that this way. Depends on what you want
Tab {
title: "Tab name"
onTriggered: {
BUT to fix your problem directly, you're missing objectName
TabbedPane {
id: mainTabbedPane
objectName: "mainTabbedPane"
showTabsOnActionBar: true
peekEnabled: true
sidebarState: SidebarState.VisibleFull
Tab {
} //End of first tab
Tab {
} //End of second tab