I am using react-d3 to make a scatter plot because the react wrapper for Plotly appears buggy. I am having a problem with d3 in that I cannot figure out the api. On the react-d3 website you can see how they made a scatter plot, and I have that working, but I cannot discover what other properties there are. For example, isn't there a way to set a hover tooltip for the points so that the x,y, and text values can be seen? What about the color of the dots for that chart?
You can see all the properties available to you by viewing the source on github. For instance, you can see the props available to ScatterChart at https://github.com/esbullington/react-d3/blob/master/src/scatterchart/ScatterChart.jsx
Specifically, you care about this chunk:
propTypes: {
circleRadius: React.PropTypes.number,
className: React.PropTypes.string,
hoverAnimation: React.PropTypes.bool,
margins: React.PropTypes.object,
xAxisClassName: React.PropTypes.string,
xAxisStrokeWidth: React.PropTypes.number,
yAxisClassName: React.PropTypes.string,
yAxisStrokeWidth: React.PropTypes.number
So for one of your sub questions: yes, you can control the color of the dots via the className prop.