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HashMap: get Key-Value by key during onClick event (Frame)

Need some advice please. I'm parsing xml and put some data from it to a HashMap. Please, take a look at a piece of code:

final HashMap<String,String> urls = new HashMap<String,String>();
* * *
NodeList nList = doc.getElementsByTagName("Row");                       
        for (int z=0; z<nList.getLength(); z++) {
        Node nNode = nList.item(z);
        Element eElement = (Element) nNode; 

        NodeList a = eElement.getElementsByTagName("item");
        for (int i=0; i<a.getLength(); i++) {                               
            String b = eElement.getElementsByTagName("item").item(i).getTextContent();
            String c = eElement.getElementsByTagName("url").item(i).getTextContent();           
            urls.put(b, c);

So, I've got this pairs:

{Select product=bla-bla-bla} 
{Single Landmine Shirt=/} 
{Women's Silver & Black Bar=/}                         
{High Density Foam Rollers=/}

Now I 'd like to print key value (Url of product) by key(Product), while I'm selecting a corresponding item from d-down List.

    /*comboBox:*/ addProduct.addItemListener(new ItemListener() {

        public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent e) {
            String s = String.valueOf(addProduct.getSelectedItem());
            if ((e.getStateChange() == ItemEvent.SELECTED) && (urls.containsKey(s))) {

            Object v = (String) urls.get(s);    
            System.out.println("Your url: " + v.toString());


IDK what I'm doing wrong, but when I'm just adding simple Strings to Map: urls.put("Select product", "test Url"); -> All works good. Please advice how to deal with it. Will be glad for any answers


  • You are aware of the fact that you're clearing your HashMap on each iteration. This means that your HashMap will end containing one and only element : the last item tag's data.

    for (int i=0; i<a.getLength(); i++) {                               
        // ...

    Get rid of this line and your urls should be filled correctly.