Is there a cleartool describe format string or any other command that will print only the hyperlinks from an object? Like:
cleartool describe -long -ahlink -all vob:\MyVOB
but without the leading information.
When I run the formatted describe, as long as you're not dealing with > 150K of hyperlink data per version, you get the hyperlinks:
[brian@bullwinkle bcowan-testvob1]$ cleartool desc -fmt "%n\t%[hlink:TextType]p\n" .@@/main/0 .@@/main/0 "TextType@2@/vobs/bcowan-testvob1" -> "foobar"
And without the filter (another element):
[brian@bullwinkle bc-linuxtest]$ cleartool desc -fmt "%n\t%[hlink]p\n" /view/bc-linuxtest/vobs/bc-linuxtest/.@@/main/foo/2 /view/bc-linuxtest/vobs/bc-linuxtest/.@@/main/foo/2 "Merge@2@/vobs/bc-linuxtest" <- "/view/bc-linuxtest/vobs/bc-linuxtest/.@@/main/18"