Okay, I've been dealing with this for two days now, and I can't find a solution.
Problem: I'm trying to set a filter to a File Selection Dialog using Winapi. I'm using GetOpenFileName
function to do this. This function uses a structure to set options such as file extension filters. This structure's member called lpstrFilter
needs a certain string format. I'm setting that string exactly as Winapi indicates, but for some reason, this string's value changes.
I've got this static const char *:
//This contains string "JPG"
static const char * extensionFilter = v->trabajo10.C_JMV_SelectFile_FileExtension7.GetString();
//This forms a filter string which applies to OPENFILENAME structure.
string sFilter;
sFilter.append("Format: ");
const char * filter = sFilter.c_str();
ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; //This sets: --> Format: JPG\0*.JPG\0
//This opens the file selection dialog
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)==TRUE){
The File Selection Dialog looks CORRECTLY, like this:
The joke comes now, I modify the code like this:
//This contains string "JPG"
static const char * extensionFilter = v->trabajo10.C_JMV_SelectFile_FileExtension7.GetString();
//This forms a filter string which applies to OPENFILENAME structure.
string sFilter;
sFilter.append("Format: ");
const char * filter = sFilter.c_str();
ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; //This sets: --> Format: JPG\0*.JPG\0
//This opens the file selection dialog
if (GetOpenFileName(&ofn)==TRUE){
And this is the result, THE PROBLEM:
Filter string was modified???
//This forms a filter string which applies to OPENFILENAME structure.
string sFilter;
sFilter.append("Format: ");
const char * filter = sFilter.c_str();
ofn.lpstrFilter = filter; //This sets: --> Format: JPG\0*.JPG\0
The sFilter
variable has a lifetime that ends when the block in which it declared ends. The pointer returned by sFilter.c_str()
is valid until sFilter
is modified or destroyed.
You are using this pointer after it has become invalidated. This is the same problem as you had yesterday, which I guessed at in comments to the question. This is why you need to show a full MCVE. This question also looks to be a duplicate of the one that you asked a week ago: Winapi GetOpenFileName Extension Filter not working. I suggest that you take some time to make sure that you fully appreciate the validity of the value returned by c_str()
You must ensure that sFilter
lives until after you have finished with the pointer. Declare sFilter
in an outer block to ensure that.