For a project im making offer and invoice pdf's on the fly using pdfmake in javascript. The problem im facing is having text blocks going off the page in the middle. What i want is to check if a certain block of text or a table is going to be split between pages and if so add a pagebreak before the block to make sure the text or table will be entirely on one page.
My pdf docDefinition is build like this:
return {
content: [
getOfferLogo(), //Get the logo or empty string
getHeading(), //get the customer and business data (adress etc)
//the above is always the same
getText(), //get the textblock, created by user and always different
getSpecifics(), //get a table of payment specifications
getSignature() //get last textblock contaning signature fields etc, always the same
styles: {
subheader: {
fontSize: 15,
bold: true,
alignment: 'center'
defaultStyle: {
columnGap: 20,
fontSize: 12
So in short how can i check if text will be going off the page before creating the pdf and add pagebreaks accordingly?
Thanks in advance.
Found the solution :)
In the DocDefinition you can add a function for pageBreakBefore like this:
content: [{
text: getOfferClosingParagraph(),
id: 'closingParagraph'
}, {
text: getSignature(),
id: 'signature'
pageBreakBefore: function(currentNode, followingNodesOnPage, nodesOnNextPage, previousNodesOnPage) {
//check if signature part is completely on the last page, add pagebreak if not
if ( === 'signature' && (currentNode.pageNumbers.length != 1 || currentNode.pageNumbers[0] != currentNode.pages)) {
return true;
//check if last paragraph is entirely on a single page, add pagebreak if not
else if ( === 'closingParagraph' && currentNode.pageNumbers.length != 1) {
return true;
return false;
For more info about this function and the information provided take a look at this