I recently built a robot with an arduino that was controlled by a website with node. I used cylonjs to programm the robot with javascript. Unfortunately now I realized that I have to always have my computer connected to the addition for this to work. cylon.js & arduino uno: execute program without cable connection to PC
The link states that I cannot connect the arduino to my pc so that I can run my cylonjs script.js without two xBee modules, which costs more than the arduino itself.
So I looked at the beaglebone and that would definitely work with colon but I didn't see anything about the pcDuino. Would that work exactly like an arduino?
I also could buy a raspberry pi and run the nodejs programm on that.
I'm not sure what to do. Other suggestions would be nice.
Arduino yun.. You can run nodejs on it.. and its compatible with all arduino shields and modules.. Has wifi to connect to your network and be remotely controlled. https://www.arduino.cc/en/Main/ArduinoBoardYun