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Signal (Int, Int) not recognised as (Int, Int) tuple in some cases

Depending on the return type, Signal (Int, Int) is not recognised as a tuple of (Int, Int).

Consider the following code:

import Graphics.Element exposing (..)
import Mouse

relativeMouseElement : (Int, Int) -> Element
relativeMouseElement mp = show (fst mp - 1000, snd mp - 1000)

relativeMouseTuple : (Int, Int) -> (Int, Int)
relativeMouseTuple mp = (fst mp - 1000, snd mp - 1000)

main =
-- relativeMouse Mouse.position
    relativeMouseTuple Mouse.position relativeMouse Mouse.position works just fine, displays (-1000, -1000) to the browser and the values are adjusted according to the mouse movement.

relativeMouseTuple Mouse.position This though does not work. The complication error I get is the following:

Function `relativeMouseTuple` is expecting the argument to be:

    ( Int, Int )

But it is:

    Signal ( Int, Int )

I find this very weird. In both case the first argument is Signal (Int, Int) and in the second case it results to a type error.

Any ideas?


  • I have no experience with elm AT ALL, however: maps a function to a signal, this doesn't mean that the function is called with the Signal as a parameter, but that it is called with the signal's arguments as parameter. e.g. for Signal(Int, Int) you map a function that receives (Int, Int) as arguments.

    So in the following case you have no problem relativeMouse Mouse.position

    However, in the case below, you call a function that expects (Int, Int) with the argument Signal(Int, Int) which is wrong:

    relativeMouseTuple Mouse.position

    What you should do, is probably map your function to the Signal like this: relativeMouseTuple Mouse.position