I need to get the input type qty inside the addtocart() pls tell me how to target this Ive tried $(this).find('.qty').val(); but still doesnt work.
<div class="btn btn-sm btn-info add-to-cart-btn"
onclick="AddtoCart(this)" data-price="'.$a['vkpries'].'"
data-arnr="'.$a['arnr'].'" data-mandant="'.$a['mandant'].'"
<input type="hidden" ng-value="qty" name="qty" class="qty">
Add To Cart
And This is my JS Script
function AddtoCart(data) {
var itemname = data.getAttribute("data-name");
var itemprice = data.getAttribute("data-price");
var arnr = data.getAttribute("data-arnr");
var mandant = data.getAttribute("data-mandant");
// I need to Get The Quantity inside the button
num += 1;
swal(itemname , "Has been added to the cart!", "success")
$('#cart-wrapper').append('<div class="row cart-items" id="item_num'+num+'" onclick="removeItem(this)" data-itemname="'+itemname+'" data-itemprice="'+itemprice+'"><input type="hidden" name="arnr[]" value="'+arnr+'"><input type="hidden" name="price[]" id="price" value="'+itemprice+'"><div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12"><span class="btn btn-sm btn-danger"><i class="fa fa-times"></i></span></div><div class="col-md-12 col-xs-12"><span>'+itemname+'</span></div><div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12"><span>Price = </span></div><div class="col-md-6 col-xs-12"><span> $'+itemprice+'</span></div></div>')
// This will calculate all the item prices
The value you're looking for is in a child element, the way you have it set up now with the input being the "first()" child, you can just access it with
if it's not first and you add other inputs or elements , you would need to do