I'm developing, in Java, an application that has to download from a server to client some very large files. So far I'm using the apache commons-net:
FileOutputStream out = new FileOutputStream(file);
client.retrieveFile(filename, out);
The connection commonly fails before the client finishes downloading the file. I need a way to resume the download of the file from the point where the connection failed, without downloading the whole file again, is it possible?
Things to know:
FileOutputStream has an append parameter, from doc;
@param append if
, then bytes will be written to the end of the file rather than the beginning
FileClient has setRestartOffset which takes offset as parameter, from doc;
@param offset The offset into the remote file at which to start the next file transfer. This must be a value greater than or equal to zero.
We need to combine these two;
boolean downloadFile(String remoteFilePath, String localFilePath) {
try {
File localFile = new File(localFilePath);
if (localFile.exists()) {
// If file exist set append=true, set ofset localFile size and resume
OutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(localFile, true);
ftp.retrieveFile(remoteFilePath, fos);
} else {
// Create file with directories if necessary(safer) and start download
val fos = new FileOutputStream(localFile);
ftp.retrieveFile(remoteFilePath, fos);
} catch (Exception ex) {
System.out.println("Could not download file " + ex.getMessage());
return false;