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How to take a Sql column value and translate the html into a asp label

Sql column value (generated from a InfoPath RTF control):

<strong xmlns=""><font color="#7030a0">This</font></strong> is a <font xmlns="" color="#ff0000"><strong>richtextfield</strong></font>

I have a label in

<asp:Label ID="lblOne" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>

How can I translate the column value to display the output in the asp label.


The asp label above would display: `this (in bold and in color) is a richtextfield(in bold and in color)`


  • You'd probably be better served with a Literal value since you're using raw HTML.

    <asp:Literal ID="Literal1" runat="server" Mode="PassThrough"></asp:Literal>

    In the code-behind

    Literal1.Text = yourSQLValue;

    You should consider not placing HTML directly into your page however.