I am working on a directive that is going to disable all form elements on the page based on a rootScope variable (similar to adding ng-disabled to every item manually, but just a more convenient way. I'm reworking an existing app and don't want to dig through a bunch of templates)
I need to be able to concat the results of multiple jqlite .find() statements. It doesn't seem like jqlite supports calls like .find('select,input'). I always get an empty array. Also, since it returns objects, I cannot just concat them. I'll probably get a facepalm from this, but I turn to you, StackOverflow.
var myApp = angular.module('myApp',[]);
myApp.directive('disableContents', function() {
return {
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs) {
var inputs = tElem.find('input');
var selects = tElem.find('select');
angular.forEach(formItems, function(el){
heres what i've come up with so far, but it bugs me to have multiple foreach statements.
'use strict';
angular.module('induction').directive('sttiDisabled', function() {
return {
compile: function(tElem, tAttrs) {
var inputs = tElem.find('input');
var selects = tElem.find('select');
var applyDisable = function(el) {
el = angular.element(el);
var prevVal = el.attr('ng-disabled');
prevVal = prevVal? prevVal + ' || ': '';
prevVal += tAttrs['sttiDisabled'];
el.attr('ng-disabled', prevVal);
angular.forEach(inputs, function(el){
angular.forEach(selects, function(el){
(angular.element) indeed doesn't support complex selectors so you will have to first select all you need with querySelectorAll and then wrap this collection with angular.element
var formControls = angular.element(tElem[0].querySelectorAll('input, select'));