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jquery countdown event on finish did not show intended html

I have been doing jquery countdown process with two date parameters. But when second date parameters end, the html intended did not show up that is ("is closed").

    .on('update.countdown', function(event) {   
    $(this).html("<b>will be open </b>"+event.strftime(format));})
    .on('finish.countdown', function(event) {
        .on('update.countdown', function(event) {
        $(this).html("<b> is open for </b>"+event.strftime(format));})
        .on('finish.countdown', function(event) {
        $(this).html("<b> is closed.</b>");

the intended script can be seen jsfiddle


  • You can remove element countdown and add a new:


    var s = '2015/10/19';
    f = '2015/12/09';
    format = '%-w <sup>week%!w</sup> ' + '%-d <sup>day%!d</sup> ' + '%H <sup>hr</sup> ' + '%M <sup>min</sup> ' + '%S <sup>sec</sup>';
      .on('update.countdown', function(event) {
        $(this).html("<b>will be open </b>" + event.strftime(format));
      .on('finish.countdown', function(event) {
      	$("body").append('<span id="date_regist"></span>')
          .on('update.countdown', function(event) {
            $(this).html("<b> is open for </b>" + event.strftime(format));
          .on('finish.countdown', function(event) {
            $(this).html("<b> is closed.</b>");
    <script src=""></script>
    <script src=""></script>
    The registration <span id="date_regist"></span>