I am trying to write a custom deserializer in order to trim down a big set of data I receive from somewhere else. I return a List of custom objects from the deserializer.
My question is, how do I do that, if this is my custom deserializer :
public class MyCustomDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<List<CustomClass>> { ... }
I certainly can't do this :
final SimpleModule module = new SimpleModule();
module.addDeserializer(List<CustomClass>.class, new MyCustomDeserializer());
Will something like this work ?
final List<CustomClass> response = Arrays.asList(objectMapper.readValue(stringBean, CustomClass[].class));
If this indeed works, I find it a bit confusing and "dangerous" ? Isn't the deserialization done inside the asList method invocation ? So it basically maps a List to an array[] ?
I learned about TypeReference so I can probably use that like so :
objectMapper.readValue(stringBean, new TypeReference<List<CustomClass>>(){});
but I heard it is slower.
I also don't want to create a container for the list, and return that in the deserialization because that means it will be wrapped in another json object, and I simply want my endpoint to produce something like :
[{object1}, {object2}]
// instead of
{"Output" : [{object1}, {object2}]}
It seems that I have misinterpreted how jackson is using my deserializer in both cases :
final List<CustomClass> response = Arrays.asList(objectMapper.readValue(stringBean, CustomClass[].class));
// or
objectMapper.readValue(stringBean, new TypeReference<List<CustomClass>>(){});
It looks like the deserializer is called twice, once for each object in the array. I thought that the entire array would be considered as a whole. To clear the confusion, here is what I mean:
The json I receive and try to deserialize looks like so :
"Data" : {
"id" : "someId",
"otherThing" : "someOtherThing"
"Message" : "OK"
"Data" : null,
"Message" : "Object not found for id blabla"
and so I though this is what I would have inside my deserializer, but as I said before it seems that i actually get each "entry" from that array and call it multiple times.
First of all, If you registered your custom deserializer using annotation on the bean CustomClass
then the deserializer should handle one instance of CustomClass
and not a collection and thus should be defined:
public class MyCustomDeserializer extends JsonDeserializer<CustomClass> {
public CustomClass deserialize(JsonParser p, DeserializationContext ctxt) throws IOException, JsonProcessingException
and now you can use Jackson's type factory to pass the mapper the required type information
JavaType customClassCollection = objectMapper.getTypeFactory().constructCollectionType(List.class, CustomClass.class);
List<CustomClass> beanList = (List<CustomClass>)objectMapper.readValue(stringBean, customClassCollection);